JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Flow pulsation on a tubular electrochemical reactor: 1. Distribution of concentration and transfer rate (New article)

Written by sctunisie no comments

The effect of flow pulsations on the current reduction at a tubular cathode has been studied theoretically in the range of Reynolds number going up to 860, the amplitude and the frequency varying respectively from zero to 4.5 cm and 2 Hz. The most important result of the application of the model, of which the convenience has been tested in steady flow, is that the transfer rate is decreased at low frequencies and amplitudes compared to the value at steady state ; the improvement is more than 300% when the amplitude or the frequency increases.

A. Gadri, A. Ratel, S.S. Romdhane, G. Lacoste

Page 255-267

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