JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Evolutions photochimiques et thermiques de bis - Δ1 - pyrazolines dérivant d'acétyéniques diactivés dissymétriques

Written by sctunisie no comments

The thermolyses of bis - Δ1 - pyrazolines derived from dissymetric diactiva ted acetylenics have univocally enabled us to get only one product. Except for the cyano -7- ,omethoxy -8 bis - Δ1 -pyrazoline which has given, besides the expected transposed pyrazolenine, a diazo-compound, all the others have led to the corresponding transposed pyrazolenines. In the same way, all the sensitized photolysis of the persubstituted Δ1-pyrazolines have exclusively enabled us to get conjugated dienes, persubstituted too, by losing two nitrogen moles.

A. Khemiss, M. Franck-Neumann

Pages 11-24

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