JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Criblage chimique préliminaire des protéines et caroténoïdes présents dans un Crithmum maritimum cultivé en Tunisie

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In order to exploit aromatic and medicinal plants, we are interested to the study Crithmum maritimum plant. This work has been devoted to study the yields for two extraction methods (maceration and soxhlet). A preliminary chemical study is developed to characterize the chemical classes present in the two types of extracts, respectively from leaves, flowers, stems, seeds and the determination of carotenoids and proteins present in these organs.

O. Houta, H. Chouaeb, M. Neffati, H. Amri

Crithmum maritimum, phytochemical screening, carotenoids

Pages: 77-82

Suivi saisonnier de l’activité acétylcholinestérase et de quelques métaux traces chez le bivalve Donax trunculus du golfe de Tunis

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Seasonal variations of acetylcholinesterase activity and the levels of zinc, copper, cadmium and lead were determined in Donax trunculus from three sites in the gulf of Tunis: (Kalâat el Andalous and Radès influenced respectively by the discharge of Medjerda and Meliane wadi and Borj Cedria as a reference site). The lowest acetylcholinesterase activity was registered in Radès specimens. This activity showed a very important seasonal variation (p≤0.05) in Donax trunculus from the three stations with highest levels registered in spring 2005 and lowest levels registered in summer 2004. Water temperature seems to be the most determinant factor that influenced the acetylcholinesterase activity in Radès specimens. This factor varies inversely to the variation of this enzymatic activity. In contrast, the antero-posterior shell length was positively correlated with acetylcholinesterase activity in Donax trunculus from the three sites. For metal analysis, their concentrations were ranged from 68.27 to 87.46 mg/kg dry weight for Zinc, from 5.76 to 15.3 mg/kg dry weight for copper, from 3.36 to 5.36 mg/kg dry weight for lead and from 0.1 to 0.66 mg/kg dry weight for cadmium. The highest metal pollution index was registered in KA specimens. The statistical analysis revealed no correlation between acetylcholinesterase activity and metals concentrations.

D. Boussoufa, N. Ghazali, W. Masmoudi, M. El Cafsi

Acetylcholinesterase, trace metals, Donax trunculus, Gulf of Tunis

Pages: 83-94

Interprétation selon le modèle ellipsoïdal des conductibilités de quelques variantes d’héparine de sodium

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In this work we show from comparison between experimental and theoretical conductibilities of Sodium Heparin in aqueous dilute solutions according to the ellipsoidal model, that for long chain (Heparin RB21055, LS = 160 A°, ZS = -55), the transition from stretched to coiled configuration occurs progressively with the increase of the Na+ concentration due to the ionic condensation and the screen effect. In contrast, for relatively short chain (Heparin H5027 and H5271, LS = 64 A°, ZS = -22) all the configurations are equivalent. In particular, the polyion could be assimilated to a charged sphere with a radius of about 17 A°.

A. Ghazouani, S. Boughammoura, J. M’halla

héparine, conductibilité, condensation ionique, élecrophorétique, relaxation ionique, friction diélectrique, conformation, ellipsoïdale

Pages: 95-108

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