Tunisian Chemical Society

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018, Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

TCC 2018



Submission of Abstracts

A printed book containing all abstracts of conferences and communications will be produced from the documents provided by the authors without any modification. As a result, authors are required to provide a summary on a single A5 size page in MS Word format (no PDF), which includes text, figures and references with the following instructions :


 All abstracts have to be written in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Abstracts written in other languages will be rejected.

 Superior margin of 2.5 cm, 2.2 cm margins on each side and a lower margin of 1.5 cm.

 Title (centered, Times New Roman 10, bold, spacing 1)

 Names of the authors (centered, Times New Roman 9 , spacing 1) with the author's name underlined

 Institution(s) author(s) (centered, Times New Roman 8, italic, spacing 1)

 Text (justified, Times New Roman 9, spacing 1)


Abstracts are to be sent

as attached files to this address:




Please make sure to label your files as samples below:






Oral Last name First name     or     Poster Last name First name



Instructions for Poster Presentations

 Posters should be 1.20 m high and 0.90 m wide. Abstracts of posters will be numbered and listed in the final program.

 Different sessions will be held for poster presentations.

 Authors are requested to be in front of their posters during the official poster sessions.

Posters have to be 120 cm high and 90 cm wide,
and will be displayed on vertical panels

Display of Posters

Booklet of Abstracts

A booklet containing the abstracts of all lectures and posters will be distributed free of charge to all registered participants, except the accompanying persons.

Tunisian Chemical Society

Campus Universitaire Farhat Hachad

Faculté des Sciences de Tunis

Département de Chimie

Copyright 2018 - Powered by Tunisian Chemical Society - © All rights reserved


TCC 2018

Tunisia Chemistry Conference

16-20 December 2018 - Bel Azur Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia

Tel: + 216 71 872 600

Fax: + 216 71 883 424

email: contact @sctunisie.org