JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Effet des paramètres et du protocole de préparation sur les propriétés structurales et texturales des argiles intercalées au fer (III)

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Three methods of iron Ill intercalated or pillared montmorillonites synthesis are proposed and the effects of the preparation parameters like Fe(III) salt precursor, base for hydrolysis, base to Fe ratio and temperature on textural and structural properties as well as thermal stability of the synthesised materials were studied. The "insitu" method seemed to conduct to better results on the physico-chemical properties of iron (III) intercalated montmorillonite. This could be explained by higher stability and probably bigger size of the iron (III) polycation better dispersed in the interlayer space of the montmorillonite.

A. Baccar, N. Batis, A. Ghorbel

KC2 montmorillonite, iron pillared clay, nitrogen adsorption, porosity, thermal stability

Pages 173-186

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