The double cycloaddition 1,3 - dipolar of 2-diazopropane on dissymetrically activated substitued acetylenics has enabled us to synthesize some new organic products of the type bis - Δ1 -pyrazoline. However the transposed pyrazoline, derived directly from the benzoyl -7 carbomethoxy -8 bis - Δ1 -pyrazoline, was entirely identified and has proved the existence of the structure of this latter compound.
A. Khemiss, M. Franck-Neumann
Pages 3-9
The thermolyses of bis - Δ1 - pyrazolines derived from dissymetric diactiva ted acetylenics have univocally enabled us to get only one product. Except for the cyano -7- ,omethoxy -8 bis - Δ1 -pyrazoline which has given, besides the expected transposed pyrazolenine, a diazo-compound, all the others have led to the corresponding transposed pyrazolenines. In the same way, all the sensitized photolysis of the persubstituted Δ1-pyrazolines have exclusively enabled us to get conjugated dienes, persubstituted too, by losing two nitrogen moles.
A. Khemiss, M. Franck-Neumann
Pages 11-24
The reactivity of a simple and other epoxides bearing a function in α-position, derived from α-pinene, submitted to the complex [(CH3)3N, 2HF] is studied and compared with the known reactivity of ZnBr2 on the same epoxides. These reactions are comparable to each other to a certain extent except for the epoxyapoverbanone which does not undergo any transformation when treated with [(RCH3)3N, 2HFI].
H. Amri, M.M. El Gaied, M. M'hirsi
Pages 25-32
CRYSTAN is a crystallographic program system for minicomputers written in FORTRAN IV language. We choose this system because it may be divided in five nearly independent blocks and is easy to handle. The blocks FOURIER procedures and least squares refinement and a large part of data handling have been implemented on the IRIS 55 computer at the CIRIA of Tunis. We describe in this work some special features in handling this system on this computer and some test examples.
M. Abene, A. Yacoubi, A. Bizid, A. Kallel
Pages 33-44
Solid-liquid adsorption equilibria are discussed from the thermodynamical point of view. A general formulation of the adsorption isotherm is found, which includes the different known isotherms, when the appropriate assumptions concerning the particle-particle interactions are made.
J. Piro, A. Bellagi
Pages 45-61