JOURNAL of the Tunisian Chemical Society

serving the Research, the Education and the Industry

Effect of surface state of Ni-Ce-zeolites X, Ni-Eu-zeolites X and Ni-Cr-zeolites X systems on the reduction of nickel

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Surface properties of Ni2+ zeolites X are strongly modified in presence of ion Ce3+, Eu3+ and Cr3+. In fact, the different states of valence of these ions (initial state and that acquired during reduction of Ni2+) have a great effect on zeolite redox properties. They influence the reduction of Ni2+ by displacing the redox equilibrium Ni2+ / NiĀ° and the electronic interaction between the support and nickel metallic particles formed causing their stabilization in a highly dispersed state into the zeolith-framework.

S. Djemel, A. Ghorbel

Pages 137-148

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